A selection of the companies I worked for as a typist/secretary:
- Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen (NVV) (Dutch TUC)
- Institute for multidisciplinary Psychotherapy (IMP)
- Wilhelmina Gasthuis, Neurology department (Hospital)
- Stichting Reclame- en Marketingonderwijs (SRM) (School for Advertising and Marketing)
- Stock Market, Public Relations department
- Rijkspostspaarbank, Marketing department (bank)
- IBM typing pool
- NVV Legal department
- Amsterdam University(UvA), various departments a.o. Biochemistry, Anthropology, Bacteriology & Virology, Science Dynamics, Planning & Demography, Project group Growth and Health of Teenagers, Working group Exercise Physiology and Health, Councillor's department, Sub faculty of Chemistry, Sociological Institute, Interuniversiteit Oogheelkundig Instituut (IOI) (Eye clinic).
- Executive Committee of the municipality Amsterdam Zuidoost
- Town Hall Amsterdam
- Asahi Glass Europe B.V.